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Tuesday 14th June 2011

I was invited to the press night of Derren Brown's Svengali, at the Shaftesbury Theatre, and it was an absoultely fantastic show. There were mind-bending tricks aplently, and not witchcraft. Definitely not witchcraft. He asks everyone not to talk about what's in the show to people that haven't seen it (like in Ghoststories) and I am honouring that magicians code. But not because I'm scared of the consequencies. Definitely.

I also got to go to the after show party, which served the most amazing canapes I have ever tasted. Me and the group of people I was with managed to stand quite near the kitchen door, so we got first dibs on everthing that came out. I am well on my way to fulfilling my new ambition to just become the character Liz Lemon.

A couple of the waiters got wary of us, and started moving past us quickly, but then they changed their minds again, and resigned themselves to feeding the Homer Simpsons near the door.

At one point a couple of children came and stood near us, giggling to themselves that they were genius's for standing right by the kitchen. Then after a couple of rounds of this, they got bored and moved off. But we stayed on, hoovering up all the food. Those kids were quitters.

I honestly had never felt more like Liz Lemon in my life. But I don't care. It was totally worth it. If I close my eyes I can still taste those canapes...

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